Information technology support for decision making geoinformation systems


  • Uhryn, Dmitriy I. Chernivtsi Faculty of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Holovna street, 203 А, Chernivtsi Ukraine, 58000



information technology, decision support, geographic information systems industry, just at the trench and attribute and digital data heoknowledge


The problems of creating GIS industry based on existing GIS and universal problem of increasing the efficiency of decision support systems, GIS industry by the alignment liability these models, methods and information technologies. The study identified the need to solve the following problems: analysis of problems creation of GIS industry, namely, administrative, territorial and municipal government, and in social projects for the study of tourism potential areas and conducting geomarketing, military applications, systems and environmental technogenic safety and it is shown that when creating information technology support decision-making it is necessary to consider the multi-purpose specifics of the subject field. Regarding the frequency of changes in incoming data, it is proposed to classify and catalog sectoral geographic information systems not only by territorial coverage and purpose, but also by the dynamics of the change in input data. At the same time we consider stationary (administrative-territorial geoinformation systems), quasi-stationary (tourist geoinformatics and systems) and dynamic (military geoinformation systems) sectoral geographic information systems. To unify the presentation location, with the required accuracy to obtain space-distribution data and attribute data completeness of industrial facilities heoinformation systems developed information model heoknowledge. To ensure the integrity of the proposed location bind them just attribute components using the asset ID. Further developed a conceptual model of decision support in the industry geographic information system that takes into account the information model location, hierarchy problems branch of geographic information system, incoming operational data, function, advantages and selection criteria person decides that allowed method of decision support for finding a rational solution to the problems of the second level. For the first time the support method decisions in the construction sector geographic information system that takes into account the proposed conceptual model that allow pouring automate the process of creating effective systems for distributed geospatial by industry purpose.


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Author Biography

Uhryn, Dmitriy I., Chernivtsi Faculty of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Holovna street, 203 А, Chernivtsi Ukraine, 58000

Cand. of Tech. Sciences, Associate Professor




How to Cite

Uhryn, D. I. (2019). Information technology support for decision making geoinformation systems. Herald of Advanced Information Technology, 2(2), 122-133.