Architecture of a mobile transport route selection system by a team of volunteers in the conditions of the military state


  • Danylo R. Horpenko Odessa Polytechnic National University, 1, Shevchenko Ave. Odessa, 65044, Ukraine



Mobile system architecture, decision- making, transport logistics, a team of volunteers, experts - volunteers


The work is devoted to the issue of designing the architecture of a mobile system for choosing the route of cargo transportation and passenger transportation by a team of volunteers under martial law. The system provides support to the decision-maker - the coordinator of the volunteer team in conditions of information uncertainty and dynamic changes in the external environment. The system allows you to receive and take into account operational information about the state of the route segments, which is provided by experts in the role of volunteers. The architecture of the mobile system for the volunteer team in the conditions of dynamic changes is client-server. The client sends data entered by volunteer experts to the server using a mobile phone or Internet connection. The volunteer team coordinator's mobile device is the server of the volunteer team's mobile decision support system. The server has a three-tier architecture: the presentation tier, the application logic tier, and the data tier. At the program logic level, a decision-making subsystem based on the multi-criteria modified Smart method is implemented. As a backup, data from the database on the volunteer team coordinator's device is uploaded to the database located on a remote web server. Based on the developed architecture, a mobile system for building a recommended route for a team of volunteers was developed in Java in Android Studio. As an application of the developed mobile system, a practical example of determining the best of five existing cargo transportation routes is considered.


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Author Biography

Danylo R. Horpenko, Odessa Polytechnic National University, 1, Shevchenko Ave. Odessa, 65044, Ukraine

PhD Student of the Department of Information Systems. Odessa Polytechnic National University, 1, Shevchenko Ave. Odessa, 65044, Ukraine




How to Cite

Horpenko, D. R. . (2023). Architecture of a mobile transport route selection system by a team of volunteers in the conditions of the military state. Herald of Advanced Information Technology, 6(2), 174–184.