Study of the organization adaptivity rate correlation in relation to its internal integrity




project portfolio, organization adaptability, organization evolution, organization adaptation, external conditions, synergetic management


The focus of modern project management is increasingly shifting from the management of individual projects to the management of strategic project-oriented development of organizations. Now there is a need to pay more attention to project management as a universal tool for the development of systems at any level. The aim of the article is to study the processes of organization adaptation to constant changes through a synergetic portfolio of projects based on a strategic plan for the development and evolution of the organization. The spiral movement of systems development for studying development processes is considered: the process of transition of an organization from one stable state to another, the process of radical changes that accompanies innovation, as well as the processes of growth and development of crisis phenomena. The methodological principles of the organization evolutionary development management through the implementation of portfolio using its methods and tools are considered. It is proposed to manage the organization evolutionary development by building actions in the form of a synergistic portfolio of appropriate projects content, in order to increase the value of the entire portfolio of projects over the value of individual projects. The synergetic portfolio of projects is seen as a tool for a harmonious transition to the desired evolutionary state, by preserving the internal integrity of the organization and ensuring its sustainability. A mathematical model for estimating the desired properties and relations of the organizational synergetic portfolio of projects is proposed, which allows to determine and minimize the magnitude of the evolutionary goals inconsistency and to stabilize the current state of organization. It is determined that the two main tasks of any organization - external adaptation and internal integration - constantly push the organization to evolutionary development. The article proposes the author's approach to managing the organization evolutionary development through a portfolio of projects identifies indicators of adaptation of the organization to changes in the environment, defines the conditions for maintaining the integrity of the organization in the process of organizational changes.


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Author Biographies

Valentina M. Molokanova, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute for Public Administration, 29, Gogol St., Dnipro, Ukraine

Dr. Sci. (Eng.) (2015), Prof. of the Department of Administration and Project Mamagement, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute for Public Administration. National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Dnipro. Ukraine

Inna O. Hordieieva, Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazarian, 2, Lazarianа St., Dnipro, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences (2010), Associate Professor of Department Economics and Management. Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazarian. Dnipro. Ukraine




How to Cite

Molokanova, V. M. ., & Hordieieva, I. O. . (2020). Study of the organization adaptivity rate correlation in relation to its internal integrity. Herald of Advanced Information Technology, 3(4), 292–304.